
Transactional Communication

This morning a friend of mine introduced me to this term, transactional communication. I had never heard it before but after he explained it, many things really made sense.Essentially, it means that you have to talk on the same level as the person that your talking to. My brother-in-law, Michael, is an expert at this.

If you haven't done so, read his blog at In particular, his article "Billy Blanks is Trying to Kill Me" connects to everyone who reads it.

It is absolutely hilarious. Maybe the funniest thing that I've ever read.Anyway, this made me realize that my writing tends to appeal to people that are like me, but, with the internet, I'm not sure who the reader is. Therefore, even though I can be strong-willed, I going to change my ways.Communication is only possible when there's a connection. People connect in different ways to different groups, which means there is only one way to be effective.

That's where transactional communication comes in. Take my other brother-in-law as example (My wife has really talented brothers). He is an awesome salesman.

He is able to connect with anyone, and I mean anyone, instantly.He is able to find common ground no matter who it is. I don't think that I've ever been anywhere with him that he didn't know someone.

It's really freaky.I realize now that if I'll get my ego out of the way and find out what's important to the other person, I'll make more connections. Additionally, if I'll listen with my eyes as well as ears, then, reciprocate with the same verbal language and body language, I will make more great first impressions. I know it's not about being someone other than myself, but it is about being my best self to the other person in the transaction.

Try it for yourself and watch your positive transactions increase like never before.

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By: Bill Tyler

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